No Friends

Client: Age UK

Sector: Charity

Role: Concept, Pitch, Creative Direction, Design

Hijacking a multimillion pound Facebook campaign to combat the problem of lonliness in older people.

It may be sunshine and lollypops for the friends of Facebook, but over 1 million older people in the UK go more than a month at a time without seeing or speaking to anyone.

Our message hijacked Facebook's nationwide campaign and asked the public to donate £3 by text to help support Age UK's 'befriending' service.

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An Unfriendly Reminder

We targeted media as close to Facebook's prominent media sites as we could.

From busy transport hubs to newspapers, if Facebook were celebrating friendship, we were reminding people that not everyone lives like that.

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“At Age UK we know how devastating loneliness can be for older people. Being lonely not only makes life miserable, it is also really bad for our health, making us more vulnerable to illness and disease. It’s time we took loneliness seriously as a threat to a happy and healthy later life. We need to do more to support older people to stay socially connected: this is a big part of our job at Age UK and everyone can help by being a good friend or neighbour to the older people they know.”

Marianne Hewitt | Head of Brand Age UK

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