Decode the Truth

Client: Amazon Prime Video

Sector: Entertainment

Role: Concept, Design, Creative Direction

Raising questions about Guantánamo, in an AR powered promotion for a new Amazon Original.

To promote Amazon Prime’s The Mauritanian, we’ve plastered the streets of Stockholm with posters designed to look like redacted US government documents.

The posters use AR technology to reveal what is hidden behind censorship and show that there are two sides to the same truth.

Two Sides to the Story

Reading the redacted poster told you what most believe to be fact. That Mohamedou Slahi was the lead recruiter for 9/11.

But, scanning the document revealed another side to the story. That he was tortured and kept prisoner without charge.

Urku Portfolio
Urku Portfolio

“I was just wondering at how narrow-minded human beings can be. When people look at one thing from one perspective, they certainly fail to get the whole picture, and that is the main reason for the majority of misunderstandings that sometimes lead to bloody confrontations.”

Mohamedou Ould Slahi | Guantánamo Diary

Urku Portfolio
Urku Portfolio

Question Everything

Interacting with the poster not only revealed two sides to the story, it also led users to an Amazon Prime hub.

Here, you could watch the full trailer, find out more about the cast and subscribe to Amazon Prime.